Scoring - Determining the Winner 1. Prior to judging, the reporting requirements will be handed out. Each team has 20 minutes to produce the required reports. There will be a few printers available to print reports on diskette, but don't count on it. 2. Each team's application will be judged by a panel of three judges. The judging packet which contains 4 judging sheets. We will attempt to have a 4th judge from the rules committee judge each application. Those results will only be used in the case a judge is eliminated (see below). 3. The team has 12 minutes to demonstrate to the judges the capabilities of its application. Each judge will fill out their judging sheet. The rules committee rep will also judge the application in case one of the judges results is suspect (see below). 4. The average of all 3 scores will solely determine ranking. We will review the judging in the following way: If any of the scores are significantly different from the others, we will review the judging for that team. The rules committee has the option to do any of the following: rejudge the application, substitute the result from the rules committee rep, or replace the score with the average of the other 2 scores. 5. The top 5-10 teams will advance to the finals. All of the teams in the finals will be judged by one of two teams of 5 judges. Ranking will be determined by the average of the judges results.